2022 Community Input Survey Results 

Thank you for taking the 2022 Community Input Survey! 

Hudson Cultural Council has a new Community Survey for 2022.  To help make informed grant decisions, every year we conduct a survey to learn about what the Hudson community values and needs.  

Therefore, your responses are important to help discover the needs and interests of our community.   

Question 1:
The current arts and cultural programs or services that are of most  value to me are: (Check all that apply)*

Question 2:
Please rank the programming below by priority for the Hudson Cultural Council to fund next year. 

On the scale, 1 = low priority, 2 = some priority, and 3 = high priority.
Select one rank for each line.

Question 3:
Type of programming you are most likely to attend:
On the scale, 1 =  low priority, 2 = some priority, and 3 = high priority. Select one rank for each line.*

Question 4:
How do you hear about cultural activities that interest you? (Check all that apply)*

Question 4.5 Which social media source?

Question 5:
Prior to this survey were you aware that artists, schools, and community  groups may apply for grants from the Hudson Cultural Council?*

Question 6:
Were you aware that the Hudson Cultural Council is made up of  volunteers appointed by the Hudson Select Board and anyone can become a member?  (If interested, please see how to apply at: https://www.hudsonculturalcouncil.org/hcc board-members)*

Question 7:
Please provide any suggestions about cultural programs or services you feel would be beneficial to the town of Hudson (please specify).

Question 8:
How can diversity and/or access to the arts, humanities and interpretive  sciences be improved in the Hudson community? 

Question 9: Please select your age range.*

Answered: 271
Under 18 1
18-25 7
26-40 50
41-60 91
61 or over 122 

Question 10: Please check all that apply.*

Answered: 271
I do not have any children under 18 202
I have one or more children ages 0-9 45
I have one or more children ages 10-13 22
I have one or more children aged 14-18 23